There are myriads of religious organizations and institutions. Man-made doctrines and creeds seemingly are more important than the Bible. The Bible is in fact the word of God (ACTS 17:11; 1 THESS. 2:13). The Bible provides humanity with the truth concerning, salvation, hope, and redemption, and due to its inherent power and authority the Bible should be regarded as the source for all religious truths, doctrines, and practices.

One fundamental truth revealed in Scripture is the importance of the Lord’s Church, the Church of Christ. The Church of Christ is unlike any organization known to humanity. It is special due to its divine origin. The Church of Christ existed in God’s mind in eternity before man was ever created (EPH. 3:9-11).

The God of heaven slowly revealed in types and shadows the church in the writing of the Old Testament prophets. Isaiah and Micah envisioned a house for all nations (ISA. 2:1-3; MICAH. 4:1-2). Daniel saw God’s universal kingdom (DAN. 2:44-45; 7:13-14). Zechariah saw a temple (ZECH. 6:12-13). The Old Testament prophets were revealing God’s ultimate plans of unity and salvation by foreshadowing the Church through different figures.

During Jesus’ personal ministry he promised to build (establish) His church (kingdom, MATT. 16:13-19). Jesus’ promise to build his church was Him fulfilling what the prophets were writing about (LUKE 24:27,44). The New Testament reveals that Christ’s’ Church was purchased with his blood (ACTS 20:28).

The Church of Christ had its beginning on the first Pentecost after Christ’s death, burial, resurrection, and ascension (ACTS 2:1-47). Both Jews and Gentiles became members of the body of Christ through obedience to the gospel of Christ (ROM. 1:16-17; EPH. 3:1-6). Jesus is the head and Savior of the church of Christ (EPH. 1:22-23; 5:23). You should consider obeying the gospel and being added to the church of Christ. All who are added to Christ’s Church are simply Christians (ACTS 11:26; 1 PTR. 4:16). The congregations of those who are called Christians are designated as churches of Christ (ROM. 16:16).