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We’d be delighted if you joined us this Sunday.

Welcome! We’re the Easthaven Church of Christ.

And we care. Because God cares. Our goal is to seek out people who are missing something in their lives: the light of Jesus. We know that sometimes, this is a tough world to live in. Don’t face it in the dark.

We Worship.

We live for Sundays and Wednesdays. Being able to come together and worship our God and be with our spiritual family quickly becomes something that you won’t want to live without.

We Belong.

God didn’t create us to be alone. We are one community, people, and family made of many communities, people, and families. In Him, we each have a purpose, we all belong.

We Serve.

We want to become more like Jesus every day. Every day, Jesus was a servant. So we serve. We’re a church full of servants and flawed people who want to be better every day.

We Hope.

There’s nothing like living this life in view of the next one. The troubles of this life become smaller and smaller the closer we get to God and His people.